Posts tagged cookies
Keto Cookie Monster

With this crazy life we've chosen to embark on sometimes we just want to feel 'normal'! To be able to walk into the kitchen and grab a snack. To be able to enjoy cookies with your kids on family movie night. To be able to bring a delicious, portable dessert to a potluck... These Coconut Cream Cheese slice and bake cookies allow for all of these things!! They taste like a sugar/shortbread cookie, but with a slight hint of coconut.

Cream Cheese Cookies

1 Egg
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 cup Coconut flour
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 cup Butter
3 tbsp Cream cheese
1/2 cup Erythritol (or other sugar substitute)

Cream the butter, cream cheese, egg, vanilla and erythritol (I use Swerve)
Add in the dry ingredients, Salt, baking powder, coconut flour.
Shape into a log using parchment paper. Place in fridge for at least an hour.
Slice into discs. Bake in a 350* oven until golden brown around the edges. Approximately 15-17 minutes.

Nutritional information will vary based on how thin, or thick you cut your cookies. As you an see I cut mine thiiiin. 



Keto Cream Cheese Slice and Bake Cookies

Keto Cream Cheese Slice and Bake Cookies